viernes, 27 de febrero de 2009



Ayer 25 de febrero del 2009, en la Universidad de Essex, la Doctora Elaine Fox, del Departamento de Psicología, informó los resultados de un experimento controlado con 100 personas sanas, en el cual habla de la Felicidad.
Las respuestas de las personas, depende en gran parte del tipo de transportador de Serotonina que tengan. Las que tienen en sus genes el tipo LL, perciben las buenas cosas de la vida y hacen a un lado las cosas negativas.
Anexo el artículo de la Universidad de Essex, el link y la forma en que se pueden comunicar con ella.
En mis Cursos de Alta Dirección, doy una sesión de Mente y Cuerpo, y en ella hablo de la felicidad.
A la pregunta: ¿Para qué estamos en esta vida? , la respuesta absolutamente mayoritaria en todos los cursos es: ¡Para ser felices! Esto me da entrada al tema. Así hablo de la serotonina, de como el biofeedback permite transportar serotonina como un fenómeno conciente que controlamos (El biofeedback es el control conciente de acciones inconcientes de nuestro organismo). Después de ejercicios de biofeedback, los presentes experimentan el estado de paz, tranquilidad, y cero stress. Algunas conclusiones en el curso son:
1.-La felicidad no tiene que ver con la riqueza, ni con el clima.
La felicidad tiene que ver con la salud, el control del stress , la depresión y el enojo.

2.-Hay 54 000 estudios serios sobre la depresión y solo 415 (menos del 1%) sobre la felicidad.

3.-Hay 3 tipos de felicidad:
  • La vida placentera:
    Sonreír, sentirse bien, ser
  • La buena vida
    Conocer tus fortalezas y usarlas en el amor, la amistad, el descanso, la paternidad, la maternidad
  • La vida comprometida.
    Conocer tus fortalezas y usarlas sirviendo a una misión que crees es mayor que lo que eres.
    Churchill y Lincoln son un ejemplo de deprimidos que fueron felices a través de vidas con significado.

Ahora agrego en mi Curso el descubrimiento de la Profesora Elaine Fox.

Y a tí, ¿Cómo te va con tu objetivo de ser feliz?

La etiqueta de esta entrada es Jazz, porque el Jazz es felicidad.

El sitio de Essex es:

El artículo de la Universidad de Essex:
Those who always see the glass half full have a genetically driven tendency to do so, scientists at the University of Essex have discovered.
Research published today (25 February 2009) identifies a genetic variation which is powerfully linked to a tendency to selective avoid negative images and to pay attention to positive information. These findings represent a breakthrough in understanding why some people are highly resilient to stress, which others are susceptible to the negative impact of stressful life events.
The study of almost 100 healthy individuals showed those with a variation in the serotonin transporter gene had a clear bias towards emotionally positive images and away from negative ones. This gene is known to impact on brain levels of serotonin, a chemical which is known to affect mood and well-being. Each of us carries either two short versions of this gene (SS), two long versions (LL), or one of each (SL). Those in the LL group showed the pattern of vigilance for good things combined with avoidance of bad things.
Lead researcher Professor Elaine Fox, from the Department of Psychology, explained: 'We have shown for the first time that a genetic variation is linked with the tendency to look on the bright side of life. This is a key mechanism underlying resilience to general life stress. The absence of this protection in the other forms of this genotype is linked with heightened susceptibility to anxiety and depression.' The study, published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, involved a standard test of selective attention whereby participants were shown pairs of pictures, one of which was either positive or negative and the other neutral, and researchers measured where their attention was drawn. All the participants gave DNA samples which were genotyped for the three variations of the promoter region of the serotonin transporter genes.
While a smaller study has previously been conducted among psychiatric patients, this study is the first to report gene-related variation in attentional bias in the healthy population. While carriers of the LL version of the gene were vigilant for positive images and clearly avoided negative ones, this protective pattern was completely absent in carriers of the S-allele (either the SS or SL variation).Professor Fox's team is continuing this research by investigating whether by actively modifying people's biases their resistance to negative and traumatic life events can be enhanced.ends
Notes to Editors1. The paper: Looking on the bright side: biased attention and the human serotonin transporter gene by Elaine Fox, Anna Ridgewell and Chris Ashwin is published online on 25 February by Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
2. The Royal Society is an independent academy promoting the natural and applied sciences. Founded in 1660, the Society has three roles, as the UK academy of science, as a learned Society, and as a funding agency.
3. The University of Essex is one of the UK’s leading academic institutions, ranked ninth for the quality of its research, and the top-ranked university for social science research. It has more than 9,000 students, studying at three campuses. Around one third of the students are drawn from more than 130 different countries overseas.
4. To speak to lead author Professor Elaine Fox, please contact Jenny Grinter in the University of Essex Communications Office on 01206 872400, e-mail:
Estudió psicología en la Universidad de Dublin, donde completó su doctorado en psicología en 1988 . Fué nombrada Lectora en Psicología en la Universidad Victoria de Wellington en Nueva Zlanda. En 1993 regresó a la Universidad de Dublín con el mismo puesto de Lectora en Psicología. En 1994 ingresa a la Universidad de Essex como editor asociado de Conocimiento y Emoción de 1996 a 2001 y permanece en el Consejo Editorial. Ha sido nombrada Editor Consultor del APA del diario Emoción en 2005.
Trabaja normalmente en la ciencia de las emociones,en un libro con el título: Ciencia de las emociones: Una integración de Las Neurociencias y los análisis cognitivos, que se publicó por Macmillan en 2007.
A continuación, en inglés, la Dra explica sus últimas investigaciones sobre:
Research Overview
(A) Emotion.My research programme on human emotion consists of a number of projects at the interface between cognitive psychology, social psychology, clinical psychology and cognitive neuroscience. The research is guided by the principle that psychological theory must be grounded in real-life experiences and that the social context in which behaviour takes place is as important as the evolutionary history of that behaviour. Some illustrative projects are summarized below.Impact of Socially Significant Stimuli: One project in collaboration with Dr Andrew Mathews, Dr Jenny Yiend and Dr Andy Calder (MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge) concerns the nature of gaze processing. Where other people look can reveal where they are attending, and thus indicate sources of potential interest in the environment. Moreover, the human brain may have evolved to be particularly good at detecting these socially significant signals, with cells specialized for processing eyes. We replicated previous findings that the direction of eye-gaze does indeed induce reflexive shifts of attention. However, we extended this in important ways in showing that the emotional expression of the face could modify this effect. To illustrate, the visual attention of people who were relatively anxious was manipulated much more strongly by the direction of eye-gaze of fearful faces, relative to angry or happy expressions. In a separate project with colleagues at the University of Essex we have recently found that the basic mechanisms of human attention can be modified by the social significance of the stimuli being processed. For example, in a simple visual search task it has been found that threat-related facial expressions are detected much more quickly than either happy or neutral facial expressions. Recently, we have found that just the eye-region is enough to produce this effect and that the addition of the full-face does not further enhance this effect. This suggests that the eyes are indeed a critical stimulus for the modulation of human attention.Information Processing Biases in Affective Disorders: I am currently conducting several separate projects investigating the role of information processing biases in determining emotional disorders. This research is largely funded by the Wellcome Trust and examines the notion that fundamental differences in how socially relevant information (e.g., people whispering to each other) is processed may underlie many anxiety disorders. In a number of experiments we have shown that anxious people selectively process threat-related information, especially when this is presented in a socially-relevant context (e.g., public speaking). A particular focus of my work has been the discovery that anxiety may be associated with a delay in the disengagement of attention from threat-relevant stimuli, rather than the faster detection of these stimuli in the environment. Ongoing projects are examining whether these variations in attentional disengagement are correlated with increases in worry and negative rumination.The Neural Basis of Anxiety-related Attentional Biases. I am currently working with Andy Calder and Andrew Lawrence at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge to investigate the neural correlates of individual differences in anxiety and how this relates to the processing of affective stimuli. We intend to use fMRI and EEG to help unravel the role of personality traits as well as mood states in determining emotional reactivity.Role of Positive Emotions in Determining Subjective Well-being: A new project has just begun in collaboration with Dr Andrew Mathews (University of California at Davis) and Dr Kevin Dutton (Faculty of Divinity, Cambridge). This project is using well-established experimental procedures, which have been used previously to modify cognitive biases in anxious people. However, in this case we are investigating the role of positive emotions (gratitude) in determining subjective well-being. This is an interesting collaboration allowing us to investigate the nature of the relations between feelings of well-being and a person’s sense of spirituality. Does feeling grateful (e.g., to God?) really confer benefits beyond simply feeling lucky?Social Cognition: I have recently edited a special issue of the international journal Visual Cognition entitled “Visual Social Cognition”. The aim of this special issue aims to bring together researchers in cognitive neuroscience, neuropsychology, cognitive psychology and social psychology to explore the nature of the neural and cognitive processes underlying the processing of socially-relevant stimuli. The idea is that visual processes modulate many social interactions. For instance, vision provides us with information about the emotional state of the person we are with, it provides us with information about where a companion is attending, it provides us with information that may be used directly to guide imitation. Our understanding about the role of visual processes in social interactions is being advanced by linking work on the basic neural and cognitive mechanisms mediating vision with work on the social and emotional context in which the processing takes place. Bringing these disparate research groups together was a fundamental aim of the special issue, which was published in 2005.(B) Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on HumansImpact of Electromagnetic Fields on Human Health and Well-being: I am currently heading a project funded by the Department of Health under the Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research Programme (MTHR). This involves the co-ordination of a multidisciplinary team of experimental and social psychologists, biomedical and electronic engineers, physicists and medical practitioners. There is widespread public concern regarding the health effects of mobile phones and their associated base-stations. The current project will provide scientifically valid evidence on the effect of radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) on physiological, psychological, and health functioning for people who experience hypersensitivity to RF-EMFs and for matched control participants. A new psychometric instrument to measure electromagnetic hypersensitivity will also be developed in order to identify people who may be particularly vulnerable to the effects of RF-EMFs. Thus, the research will provide evidence for the development and preparation of appropriate advice to be given to the general public on the possible health and psychological effects of exposure to electromagnetic emissions from mobile phone base-stations.Impact of Mobile Phone Electromagnetic Fields on Human Memory and Attention. In collaboration with Prof Riccardo Russo, Prof Dariush Mirshekar, Dr Caterina Cinel,and Dr Angela Boldini we are investigating whether mobile phone hand-sets affect cognitive functioning. This project is also funded by the Department of Health under the Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research Programme (MTHR). A number of double-blind experiments are being conducted to determine whether standard RF emissions from GSM mobile phones (900 Mhz and 1800 Mhz) influence fundamental mechanisms of human attention and short-term memory

Recent Publications
Eltiti, S.,Wallace, D., Zougkou, K., Russo, R., Joseph. S., Rasor, P. and Fox, E. (2007) Development and evaluation of the electromagnetic hypersensitivity questionnaire. Bioelectromagnetics 28:137-151 (download pdf)
Eltiti, S.,Wallace, D., Ridgewell, A., Zougkou, K., Russo, R., Sepulveda, F., Mirsshekar-Syahkal, D., Rasor, P., Deeble, R. and Fox, E. (2007) Does short-term exposure to mobile phone base station signals increase symptoms in individuals who report sensitivity to electromagnetic fields ? A double-blind randomized provocation study. Environmental Health Perspectives 115 (11) 1603-1608. (download pdf)
Fox, E., Griggs, L. and Mouchlianitis, E. (2007) The detection of fear-relevant stimuli: Are guns noticed as quickly as snakes ? Emotion 7 (4) 691-696. (download pdf)
Fox, E., Mathews, A., Calder, A. J., Yiend, J. (2007) Anxiety and sensitivity to gaze direction in emotionally expressive faces. Emotion 7 (3) 478-486. (download pdf)
Riccardo Russo, Dora Whittuck, Debi Roberson, Kevin Dutton, George Georgiou, and Elaine Fox. Mood-congruent free recall bias in anxious individuals is not a consequence of response bias. Memory 4 (4) 393-99. (download pdf)
Russo, R., Fox, E., Cinel, C., Boldini, A., DeFeyter, M.A., Mirshekar, D., & Metha, A. (2006) Does acute exposure to mobile phones affect attentional processing? Bioelectromagnetics 27. (download pdf)
Fox, E. & Damjanovic, L. (2006) The Eyes Are Sufficient to Produce a Threat Superiority Effect. Emotion, 6 (3), 534 –539 (download pdf)
Fox, E., Russo, R., & Georgiou, G. (2005) Anxiety modulates the degree of attentive resources required to process emotional faces. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 5, 396-404 (download pdf)
Georgiou, G.A., Bleakley, C., Hayward, J., Russo, R., Dutton, K., Eltiti, S and Fox, E. (2005) Focusing on fear: Attentional disengagement from emotional faces. Visual Cognition, 12 (1), 145-158 (download pdf)
Eltiti, S., Keal, D., & Fox, E. (2005) Selective target processing in low perceptual load displays. Perception and Psychophysics, 67, 876-885.(download pdf)
Fox, E., & Georgiou, G. (2005) The nature of attentional bias in human anxiety. In Engle, R.W., Sedek, G., Von Hecker, U., & McIntosh, D. (Eds). Cognitive Limitations in Aging and Psychopathology: Attention, Working Memory, and Executive Functions. Cambridge University Press.
Fox, E (2005) The role of visual processes in modulating social interactions. Visual Cognition, 12 (1), 1-11 (download pdf)
Fox, E. (2004) Maintenance or capture of attention in anxiety-related biases. In Yiend, J. (Ed). Emotion, Cognition, and Psychopathology. Cambridge University Press.
Mathews, A., Fox, E., Yiend, J. and Calder, A. (2003) The face of fear: Effects of eye gaze and emotion on visual attention. Visual Cognition 10 (7) 823-835 (download pdf)
Ortells, J.J., Fox, E., Noguera, C., & Abad, M.J.F. (2003) Repetition priming effects from attended versus ignored words in a semantic categorization task. Acta Psychologica, 114, 185-210.
Ortells, J.J., Daza, M., & Fox, E. (2003) Semantic priming effects from consciously versus unconsciously perceived words. Perception and Psychophysics, 65, 1307-1317.
Mathews, A., Fox, E., Calder, A., & Yiend, J. (2003) The face of fear: effects of eye gaze and emotion on visual attention. Visual Cognition, 10, 823-835.
Gamboz, N., Russo, R., & Fox, E. (2002) Age differences and the negative priming effect: An up -dated meta-analysis. Psychology and Aging 17,530-539
Fox, E., Russo, R., & Dutton, K. (2002) Attentional bias for threat: Evidence for delayed disengagement from emotional faces. Cognition and Emotion, 16, 355-379.(download pdf)
Daza, M., Ortells, J.J., & Fox, E. (2002) Perception without awareness: Further evidence from a Stroop priming task. Perception and Psychophysics, 64, 1316-1324.
Fox, E. (2002) Processing emotional facial expressions: The role of anxiety and awareness. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 2, 52-63.(download pdf)
MacLeod, C.M., Chiappe, D., & Fox, E. (2002) The crucial roles of stimulus identity and stimulus matching in negative priming. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 9, 521-528.
Fox, E., Russo, R., & Bowles, R.J., & Dutton, K. (2001) Do threatening stimuli draw or hold visual attention in sub-clinical anxiety?" Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 130 (download pdf)
Fox, E., & De Fockert, J-W. (2001) Inhibitory repetition effects to color and shape: Inhibition of return or repetition blindness? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 27, 798-812.
Russo, R., Fox, E., Bellinger, L., & Nguyen-Van-Tam, D.P. (2001) Mood congruent free recall bias in anxiety. Cognition and Emotion, 15, 419-433.
Fox, E., Lester, V., Russo, R., Bowles, R.J., Pichler, A., & Dutton (2000) Facial expressions of emotion: Are angry faces detected more efficiently? Cognition and Emotion, 14, 61-92. (download pdf)
Gamboz, N., Russo, R., & Fox, E. (2000) Target selection difficulty, negative priming and aging. Psychology and Aging, 15, 542-550.Lavie, N., & Fox, E. (2000) The role of perceptual load in negative priming. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 26, 1038-1052.
Fox, E. (1993) Attentional Bias in Anxiety: Selective or Not? Behav. Res. Ther. Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 487-493, (download pdf)

En febrero 2009 se festejó el 40 aniversario del NEW ORLEANS JAZZ & HERITAGE FEST

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Alemania Jazz Gerry Mulligan Giacometti visto por Cartier-Bresson Gil Evans Ginger Rogers Giovanni Battista Tiepolo Gjon Mili Glen Miller Glenn Miller Band Gloria Lynne Gloria Rios Godard Golden Earrings film Goldfinger Gonzalo Rubalcaba Gospel Grandpa Elliot Grant Green Greg Kinnear Greg Vail Greta Garbo Guernica de Picasso Guggenheim Frank Lloyd Wright y Lester Young Guggenheim Museum Guitarristas de Jazz Gustavo Pereira Gwilym Simcock Haiku Hank Ceawford y John Erwin viajan juntos Hank Crawford Hank Jones Hank Mobley Hanna Schygulla Happy Snny Sndy HAPPY WKND Harold Bloom Harold Land Harold Wheeler Harry Carney Harry Connick Jr Harry James Harry Sweet Edison Harry Sweets Edison Hector Carreto Hector Infanzon Quartet Heinz Hermann Helen Merrill Helen O'Connell Hello Dolly film Henry "Red" Allen Henry Mancini Henry Red Allen Herb Ellis Herbie Hancock Herbie Mann Hermanos Coen High Society film Hiromi Uehara Holanda Jazz Holanda(Netherlands ) Jazz Holanda(Netherlands)Jazz St Louis Blues y Louis Amstrong Horace Silver Houston Person Howard Hawks Howard McGhee Hugh Masekela Hugo Von Hofmannstahl Humprey Bogart Humprey Lyttelton Hungarian Jazz Hungria Jazz Hungría Jazz I want to live film Ian McEwan Ian Shaw Ibn Firnas Icaro Lounge Idrees Sulieman Ignacio Mazzanti Igor Stavinsky Igort y Carlos Sampayo India Jazz Indonesia Jazz Inglaterra Jazz Ingmar Bergman International House Film Iraida Noriega Iraida Noriega Irene Papas Irlanda Jazz Irving Rapper Isa Genzken Islandia Jazz Israel Jazz Italian Jazz Italo Calvino Ito Jakuchi Itzam Zapata Ives Rossy J.J.Johnson Jabbo Smith Jablonec Chattanooga y las joyas mas famosas Jacintha Jack Dejohnette Jack Starrett Jack Teagarden Jack Webb Jackie McLean Jaco Pastorius Jacques Loussier Jaime Sabinas Jako Gonzalez saxofonista de México Jamaaladeen Tacuma Jamaica Jazz James Brown James Carter James Evans James Joyce James Moody James Morrison James Taylor Jamey Abersold Jamie Cullum Jamiroquai Jammin' the blues film Jan Garbarek Jane Monheit Janis Joplin Janis Joplin anécdota Janis Siegel Japan Jazz Jay Clayton Jay McShann Jaz Jazz Jazz armónica Jazz Bajistas Jazz Bateristas Jazz Cellistas Jazz Chileno Jazz clarinetistas Jazz Club Olivos Jazz en Holanda Jazz europeo en México Jazz flamenco Jazz flautista Jazz Fusion Jazz guitarrista Jazz Italiano Jazz Italiano 2 Jazz italiano Paolo Fresu y Enrico Rava Jazz Machine Jazz medieval y Chick Corea Jazz musicians houses Jazz News Jazz Noruego Jazz Oboe Jazz guitarristas Jazz Orchestra lieder Jazz organistas jazz pianis Jazz pianistas Jazz Score en el Museum of Modern Art New York Jazz Singer Jazz sintetizador Jazz trompetistas Jazz vibrafonistas Jazz y literatura Jazz y su dimensión en elUniverso. Jazz y vino en Florencia Jazz. El Siglo del Jazz Jazz.Sonny Stitt Jazzuela Jean Delannoy Jean Luc Fillon Jean Luc Godard Sin Aliento y el Jazz Jeanie Bryson Jeff "Tain" Watts Jeff Beal Jeff Koons Jeff Lorber Jelly Roll Morton Jenny Holzer JEROME SABBAGH Jesse Cook Jesse Davis Jill Scott Jim Hall Jim Jarmusch Jim Jarmusch Modern Jazz Quartet Cofee and cigarettes Jim Morrison Jim Tomlinson Jimmi Hendrix anecdota Jimmi Hendrix y el Jazz en Bélgica Jimmie Lunceford Jimmy Dorsey Jimmy Garrison Jimmy Giuffre Jimmy Raney Jimmy Rushing Jimmy Scott Jimmy Smith Joachim Badenhorst Joaquin Garrido Joe Bonamassa Joe Cocker Joe Diorio Joe Dukie Joe Farrell Joe Henderson Joe King Oliver Joe Lovano Joe Pass Joe Sample Joe Williams Joel Frahm Joey de Francesco John Cofield John Coltrane John Coltrane y Miles Davis John Dankworth John Dankworth y Cleo Laine John Denver John Kirby Sextet John Landis John Lewis John Mayall John McLaughlin John Murray Anderson John Pizzarelli John Scofield John Tiffany John Zorn Johnny Cash Johnny Dodds Johnny Griffin Johnny Hartman Johnny Hodges Johnny Mathis Johnny Mercer Johnny Tedesco Johua Redman Jon Balke Jon Hendricks Jonas Kullhammar Jools Holland y Fats Domino Joonatan Rautio Jorga Mesfin y el Etio Jazz Jorge Luis Borges Josef Berne Josephine Baker Joshua Redman Joshua Redman y Clint Eastrwood Joyce la poesia y el Jazz Juan Alzate Juan Cortes Judith Reigl pionera del surrealismo Judy Garland Judy Niemack Juhani Aatonen Julian Cannonball Adderley Julian Lennon Julian Lloyd Webber Julian Priester Julio Cortázar Julio Cortazar Jazz y literatura Julio Cortázar la maga y Pont des Arts June Christy Kai Winding Kano Tan'yu Kansas City Jazz Kanye West Kanzas City Jazz Karen Knorr fotografa Karoly Binder Karrin Allison Katie Melua Katrine Madsen Kazimir Malevich Keiko Matsui Keith Jarrett Keith Nichols Keith Richard Kenny Burrell Kenny Dorham Kenny Edmonds Kenny Garret Kenny Rogers Ketil Bjornstad Kevin Mahogany King Curtis King Pleasure Kipenberger Kongeriket norge jazz Konungariket Sverige Jazz Kotaro Oshio Kurt Elling Kurt Rosenwinkel La felicidad y los genes La Fortuna y el Jazz La isla de Robinson Crusoe La Madâ'a lA MEJOR PELICULAS DE jAZZ DE TODOS LOS TIEMPOS La pantera rosa y el Jazz La peor foto de todos los tiempos La tercera mente Guggenheim y el Jazz La única foto del terremoto Lacombe Lucien film Lady sings the Blues film Lalo Schifrin Langston Hughes Larry Coryell Larry Goldings Larry Young Lars "Linkan" Lindkvist Lars Danielsson Latin Jazz Laurel Hardy y el Jazz Laurie Anderson Laurindo Almeida Led Zeppelin Lee Konitz Lee Oskar Lee Ritenour Lena Horne Lennie Tristano Leo Acosta Leonardo Da Vinci Leonardo Da Vinci y Gerry Mulligan Leonid Fedorov Les Brown Les Tricheurs film Lesse Hallström Lester Young Lester Young y el saxo tenor Lewis Carroll y el Jazz Lewis Nash Libros de Jazz Lieratura Lily Dior Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra Lincoln Punk Lionel Hampton LIsa Celeste Lisa Ekdahl Literatura Little Richard Liv Ullman Live and Let die Lizz Wright Lone Star Lorenzo Frizzera Los hermanos Coen y el Jazz Lou Donaldson Lou Rawls Louie Bellson Louis Amstrong Louis Armstrong Louis Malle Louis Prima Louis Prima Y Kelly Smith Louis Stewart Luca Littera Luciana Souza Ludovic Beier Ludwig Uhland un poema Luis Arcaraz Luis Buñuel Luther Allison Luther Vandross Maceo Parker Mack Sennett Madeleine Peiroux Magos Herrera Magyar Köztársaság Jazz Hungría Jazz Mahalia Jackson Makoto Ozone Mal Waldron Manhattan George Gershwin y Woody Allen Manuel Altolaguirre Marcel Carné Marcos Rodriguez Frese Marcus Miller Maria Joao Maria Pugliese Maria Schneider y su orquesta de jazz Marian McPartland Marianne Faithfull Mario Benedetti Elvis Presley y Gerry Mulligan Mario Laginha Mark Murphy Mark Nightingale Marlena Shaw Marlene Dietrich Marlon Brando Martin Kippenberger Martin Ritt Martin Scorsese Martin Taylor Mary Lou Williams Mary Stallings Massive Attack Max Roach Max Weber y los filosóficamente no musicales Maxine Sullivan Maya Angelou un poema Maynard Ferguson McCoy Tyner Mel Brooks Mel Lewis Mel Torme Melina Mercouri Melody Gardot Meshell Ndegeocello Mexico Jazz México Jazz Michael Brecker Michael Cacoyannis Michael Curtiz Michael Franks Michael Garrick Michael Jackson in memorian Michael Kontopoulos Michael Urbaniak Michael Zoch Michal Urbaniak Michel Camilo Michelangelo Antonioni y La notte Mihaly Dresch Mike Figgis Mike Stern Milan College Jazz Society Mildred Bailey Miles Davis Miles Davis en el cine MIles Davis y Charlie Parker Milly Scott Milt Jackson Miriam Aïda Miriam Makeba Miroslaw Balka Missy Misdemeanor Elliott Mitchell Leisen Modern Jazz Quartet Molly Johnson Monty Alexander Mr.B. Muddy Waters Mulgrew Miller Museo de Arte Moderno de New York Museo du Quai Branly Nancy Kelly Nancy King Nancy Wilson Nat King Cole Natalie Cole Nathan Haines Negocios Netherlands Jazz New Order New Orleans Jazz New York New York film Nicholas Bothers Nicholas Brothers Nicolas Simion Nicole Croisille Niels Pederson Night and day film Niki de Saint Phalle escultora Nikki Yanofsky Nikos Kazantzakis Nina Simone Nino Rota Nirvana Nnenna Freelon Norah Jones Norman Jewison Norman Z Mc Leod Noruega Jazz Norwegian Jazz Nostalgia de Icaro Nothing but the Blues film Nueva Zelanda Jazz Oasis Obama Octavio Paz Octavio Paz un poema Odds against tomorrow film Olivier Collette Quartet Orchestra wives film Orlan post arte orgánico Orlando Avendaño Orson Welles Orson Welles Touch of evil y el jazz Orville y Wilbur Wright Oscar Giunta Oscar Peterson Oskar Kokoshka Osterreich Jazz Austria Jazz Otis Rush Otto Preminger Out Kast Pablo Arrangoiz Pablo Moncayo Pablo Neruda un poema de amor Pablo Prieto Paco de Lucía pájaros Pamela Lind Paolo Fresu Papa Beto Big Band Paper Moon film Paquito D'Rivera Paquito de Rivera Paris Blues film Pat Martino Pat Metheny Patricia Barber Patricia HIghsmith Patrick Watson Patti Austin Patti Labelle Paul Bley Paul Bowles Paul Bowles Art Blakey y el Jazz Paul Bowles El cielo protector y el Jazz Paul Chambers Paul Desmond Paul Desmond y Dave Brubeck Quartet Paul Eluard Paul Gonsalves Paul Horn Paul Mc Cartney Paul McCartney Paul Motian Paul Robeson Paul Simon Paul Valery 2 poemas Paul Whiteman The King of Jazz Pavarotti Pavement Pearl Bailey Peggy Lee Pekka Pohjola Pennies from Heaven Pepper Adams Percy Heath Perry Como Pete Candoli Pete Kelly's Blues Film Peter Beets Peter Bogdanovich Peter Gabriel Peter King Pharoah Sanders Phil Woods Phil Woods y el Jazz Philippe Aerts Phillip Catherine Phillippe Falardeau Phillippe Marlowe Phineas Newborn Jr Piano Blues Film Piedra de Puerto Rico Pier Paolo Pasolini Pierre Michelot Pierre Reverdy 2 poemas Pilar Peyrats Lasuén Pink Floyd Pioneros del Rock en Argentina Pixies PJ Harvey Placido Domingo Play Misty for me film Po´girl Poesía Pollock film de Ed Harris Polska Jazz Polonia Jazz Pompeya Porteña Jazz Band Portugal Jazz Postdata para Filippo Lippi posters de festivales de jazz Prince Puerto Rico Golden Jazz All Stars Puerto Rico Heineken Festival Puerto Rico Jazz Queen Quincy Jones R.E.M. Rachelle Ferrell Rad Radio Head Rafael Alberti un poema Rafael Viñoly Rahsaan Roland Kirk Rainer Maria Rilke 2 poemas Rainer Werner Fassbinder Ramsey Lewis Randy Crawford Randy Sandke Raoul de Souza Ray Brown Ray Charles y Betty Carter Ray Nance Raymond Chandler Rebecca Pidgeon Recapitulaciones de Phillippe Marlowe Regina Carter Remi Alvarez saxofonista de México Republica Checa Jazz Return for ever RH Factor Ricardo Cavalli Richard Davis Richard Elliot Richard Rorty Richard Worf Richie Cole Richie Kamuca Rick Braun Rickie Lee Jones Ridley Scott Robben Ford Robert Conti Robert Cray Robert Frost Robert Johnson y el delta blues Robert Plant Robert Plant Alison Krauss Bluegrass y Rock Robert Siodmak Robert Wise Roberta Flack Robin Thicke Roger Vadim Roger Van Der Broek Roger Wolf Kahn Roland Kirk Rolling Stones Romero Lubambo Ron Carter Ron Mueck Ronnie Ross Roscoe Mitchell saxo tenor Rosemarie Trockel Rosemary Clooney Rossiya Jazz Rusia Jazz Round Midnight film Roy del Ruth Roy Eldridge Roy Hargrove Rufino Tamayo Ruth Brown Ruth Harriet Louie Sa Ding Ding Sacbe Sadao Watanabe Sade Sait on Jamais film Sammy Davis Jr Samuel Beckett 2 poemas San Francisco Asian American Jazz Festival Sandro Ferrera Sara Vaughan Sara Vaughn Saxofonistas de Jazz Schubert y el Jazz Scott Fitzgerald Scott Hamilton Scott Todd Sensations of 1945 film Sepia Cinderella Film Serbia Jazz Sergei Eisenstein Shirley Esseboom Shirley Horn Shorty Rogers Sidney Bechet Sidney Bechet y Lester Young viajan juntos Sidney J. Furie Sidsel Andresen Sigourney Weaver Silvain Luc Sinead O'Connor sinfonia en los cables de luz Singapur Jazz Sir George Henry Martin Sir George Henry Martin el 5o Beatle y el Jazz Slide Hampton Slovakia Jazz Smooth Jazz Sofia Rubina Sonny Clark Sonny Fortune Sonny Rollins Sonny Stit Sophie Calle Sophie Milman Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz Spike Lee St Louis Blues St Louis Blues 1929 film St. Louis Blues film (1958) Stacey Kent Stan Getz Stan Kenton Stanley Jordan Stanley Kubrick y el Jazz Stanley Parker Stanley Turrentine Steely Dan Stefano Bollani Stefon Harris Stephan Grapelli Steve Swallow Steven Spielberg Stevie Wonder Sting Stormy Monday film Stormy Weather film Suecia Jazz Summer time Summer time y el cine Suomi Jazz Suomi Tasavalta Jazz(Finlandia Jazz) Super Bass Surrealismo Susan Meiselas Susana Baca Susannah McCorkle Susanne Abbuehl Susie Arioli Suzanne Valadon pintora post impresionista Sweden Jazz Sweet and lowdown film Swing Swing dancing Swing Kids film Symphony in Black film y el Jazz T Bone Walker T.S.Eliot 2 poemas Takashi Murakami Take the a train in Korea Tal Farlow Talking Heads Tanel Ruben Tate Gallery en Londres Tatiana Trouve Arte Taxi Driver Taxi Driver Martin Scorsese y el Jazz Teatro Teddy Edwards Teddy Wilson Tennessee Williams Terence Blanchard Terry Riley Teté Montoliu Tex Beneke Thad Jones The Andrew Sisters The art of Peper film The Beatles The Beatles y el Jazz The Benny Goodman Story film The Blue Gardenia film The Blues Brothers film The Cincinnati Kid The Corrs The Eagles The fabulous Dorsey film The Fort Apache Band The Fort Apache Band Jazz y Puerto Rico The Glenn Miller Story film The Jazz Messengers The Jazz Singer The Kings go forth film The Last Tango in Paris film The Messengers The Modern Jazz Quartet The Nicholas Brothers The Original Dixieland Jass Band The Piety band street The Ramblers The Smiths The Strokes The white stripes The Whitlams The Who Thelonious Monk Theo Van Doesburg Theodore Roethke un poema Thomas Carter Thomas Hardy un poema Thomas S Kuhn filósofo de la ciencia Tibet en invierno Tiger Okoshi Till the clouds go by film Time y el Jazz Tina Modotti Tino Contreras Tito Puente Tito Puente y Don Menza Tito Puente y los Escovedo Tom Harrell Tomas Eloy Martinez purgatorio y Keith Jarrett Tomasz Stanko Tommy Dorsey Tommy Flanagan Tommy Körberg Tommy Smith Tony Bennet Tony Bennet y el Jazz Tony Coe Tony Kofi Tony Middleton Tony Williams Toots Thielemans Toshiko Akiyoshi Trío Nueva Colombia Trombonistas de Jazz Trompetistas de Jazz Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Jazz Turquia Jazz U2 Un cuento inédito de Julio Cortázar Un millón de fotos de Jazz Una dedicatoria de Juan Villoro Valentine Davies Valerie Jouve fotógrafa Valie Export feminista multimedia Van Morrison Van Morrison 2 anecdotas Vanessa Rubin Vera Molnar Viaje al Universo del Jazz Viaje de Mondrian en aeroplano Vicente Quiriarte Victor Feldman Victor Wooten Villu Veski Vincent Herring Vincent Minelli Vincent Van Gogh Vinicio Capossela Virginia Mayo Vivian Leigh Vladimir Volkov W.B. Yeats Walt Disney y el Jazz Walter Bishop Jr Walter Lantz Wayman Tisdale Wayne Shorter Weather Report Week end con Charlie Parker Coleman Hawkins y Lester Young Welsh Alex Wes Montgomery Wild Bill Will Bradley William Claxton fotógrafo de Jazz William Shakespeare-Wanted William Turner Willie Bobo Willie Dixon Wim Wenders Wim Wenders el Jazz y el Blues Wolfgang Muthspiel Woody Allen Woody Hermann Woody Shaw Wynton Marsalis Yoko Kano Yolanda Brown Yosuke Yamashita Youn Sun Nah Young man with a horn film Yuri Goulobev Zero 7 Zoot Sims Zorba film de Michael Cacoyannis


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